Previous Events

Here are some of the memorable events hosted at Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College.

Hover over the name of the event for details.

Chinese New Year Celebration

For the exchange students, they are not familiar with our traditional Festival. Our College held a Chinese New Year Party and invited “財神” to celebrate Lunar New Year. Students were excited when they received a red pocket. The exchange students shared their own tradition with other residents. Cultural diversity can be achieved in this party.

Chinese New Year Celebration

Lunar Chinese Food Festival

Some of our residents from other countries are curious about our traditional food. Thus, Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College held a Chinese Food Festival for the residents. We gather a lunch party at our University Chinese Restaurant and let our residents tried radish cake (蘿蔔糕), rice cake (年糕), water chestnut cake (馬蹄糕), etc. Students enjoy sharing their thought towards different tradition during dining. 

Lunar Chinese Food Festival

Poon Choi Dinner

a.k.a. Big Bowl Feast

Our College held a Poon Choi Dinner to let our residents feel like home. We invited the students to have a warm dinner with us during Lunar New Year. Residents from other countries haven’t tried Poon Choi before and our local residents can introduce the traditional meals for them. 

Mosaic Poon Choi Dinner

Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College High Table Dinner

We invited guests from the academic or business area to give us a speech to our resident during our Hight Table Dinner. Learning is not only applied in lecture, but it can also be relaxing. In addition, other than our local residents, inviting the foreigner residents to be our MC or helper is the uniqueness of Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College. Students can gain more involvement in our event.

Dessert Night

Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College organises Dessert Night to cheer up our residents in Midterm test and Final Examination period. Chinese and Western dessert will be provided to the student. They can feel free to come and take it. They can chat with our Masters and tutors to have a short break within this stressful time.