Sometimes, we cannot avoid facing difficulties and pressure. However, we can find a way to reduce stress. Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College would like to invite you to participate in a Breathing Workshop in November. Mr Dannie Cheung, a founding member of the Hong Kong Psycho-Hypnotherapy Foundation, and our teacher Dr Lawrence Lei will give you a seminar on how to breathe properly. We are going to have breathing exercises during the workshop. You may choose to attend for the face-to-face demonstration or via MS Team. Please find the following details:

Date: 17 November 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm


  1. a) Face-to-face Demonstration – D202, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building (Quota: 10);OR
  2. b) MS Team Meeting Room

Application Deadline: 16 November 2020, 3 pm

Register Here (The Application is closed)

*1 iGPS unit or 1 PA hour will be awarded to the participants.

You may join with your friends. All of the students in HSUHK are welcome. Let’s get ready for your healing time!

We are looking forward to seeing you there!